This website was officially uploaded on 01 January 2009 and is as such still under construction. I hope to update the pages as often as possible with new info.

About Terrence

I’m Terrence Marx, 41 years old and sexy as hell.  OK, not everything on this website is going to be the truth, in fact, a lot of the things you’re going to find on this site made up. This will vary in for from how-to articles for model railroads to screenplays and short stories I’ve written to photos and whatnots.

I was born in the town of Uitenhage, the eldest of 4. I have a brother and two sisters.. As a kid my folks travelled around South Africa a lot and by the time I was 12, I’d lived in 8 cities. I was able to do high school at Muir College in Uitenhage, an all-boy’s school.

I did a year of National Service in the 14th Artillery Brigade in Potchefstroom in 1991 and while it was often frustrating, I had a good time there.

I was fortunate enough to get in with the Department of Justice and ended up in a place called Klerksdorp, in South Africa’s gold belt. I spent 6 years working as an Admin Clerk and factotum. I did everything from prosecuting Theft, Aggravated Assault and Gold Smuggling to Maintenance matters (setting up the alimony to eventually prosecuting the guy for not paying it!) I also worked with murder investigations; getting the cops to do certain investigations to prepare the case for trial in the Supreme Court. I wrote a lot of reports to the Attorney-General summing up evidence and making recommendations regarding the charges the (alleged) murderers should face. I had a great time working there and met some tremendous people. I started writing a novel about my experiences in this office and hope to complete it one day.

I took a transfer to Pretoria in 1993 and went to work as an Admin clerk and factotum in the Office of the Attorney-General: Transvaal. This office, situated in South Africa’s political capital, later became the Director of Public Prosecutions in the new South Africa. I made friends with some of the most brilliant prosecutors and Senior Council South Africa has ever had. I was there during the most contentious modern trials that the office, as the “Senior” Prosecuting office in the country had to deal with. This was also the office that handled the prosecution of Nelson Mandela. I spent many days reading grisly murder and accident dockets and listening to the prosecutors talking strategy and such with witnesses, police, undercover agents and victims. The things that I was privileged to hear and see would make TV shows like Shark, Boston Legal, CSI and such appear tame in comparison.

I left the Department and went into the courier industry with my late dad and quit to pursue a writing career when he passed away in 2006.

I have two hobbies that keep me busy when I have time:
I am an avid ballroom dancer and have competed as an amateur and won more titles than I can remember. There is just one disappointment that I have faced... I failed to make the final in one competition. While saying it is my one disappointment, I am in fact proud to say that it is my only disappointment.
When I have time, I try to work on my model railroad; I am a very big Southern Pacific fan, although most of my models are of the Santa Fe and its merger partners! It was indeed a black day when the Union Pacific took over and wiped away a proud Espee legacy.

As this site grows, more and more will be revealed about me and what makes me who I am.

So, without further ado, please pick a page on the right and delve right into my world. If you want to drop me a line, please do so here. Feel free to drop by any time you’re in my cyborhood and I will be more than willing to chat with you about whatever.


My Blog is here

My FaceBook page
Sharon and me

Aah, the sweet taste of the top step...

This is one of the few photos I have of my first dance partner, Sharon, taken at the 2004 Gauteng Provincial Ballroom Championships. Tragically, she passed away later that year and unknowingly set a life changing chain of events in motion in my life.


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